Some thoughts and reflections from sewing.
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My 6 Favourite Vegetables to Grow in the Garden
I always grow a combination of flowers and edible plants in my garden, but over the years I have dedicated more time and effort to growing different vegetables and learning how to best take care of each kind. One of the most exciting things about growing vegetables is seeing how they flower and fruit and seeing how that fruit grows from such a wee version of it’s plump and juicy final form. Though I’ve been gardening and sewing for many years, I only recently started to appreciate their similarities.

Making a Vertical Lettuce Garden out of a Wooden Pallet
It’s spring! And I’ve found myself trading some of my sewing projects for some garden ones. I experience all four seasons where I live, so when the spring temperatures bring warmth all I can do is get excited for my favourite season: the summer! One reason why I love the summer is that I get to garden. I love being outside in the sunshine. I love how rewarding plants are to grow and vegetable gardening in particular is always a fun project. One of my favourite garden elements are vertical lettuce walls. First, they are a great use of space, which is a big win when you have a little backyard. One lettuce plant can offer multiple harvests and the ability to cut fresh lettuce as you need it a lovely summer luxury. Finally, the lettuce garden is really pretty, especially when a few flowers or other plants are included. As far as the construction goes, the project can come together in just a couple of hours and can last years.

Listening is Not Enough
I was planning on making some shorts this week and writing about my pattern but I have been distracted. My heart breaks because loving lives were lost and families were broken in Atlanta, Georgia. The handling of these shootings - by the media, the police, and social media -- has been upsetting. Since Tuesday, I have been thinking a lot about the commitment to racial justice and education I saw literally everywhere last June and my own life experience. I appreciate that learning about race is a personal journey and it takes time to understand and process. I am learning too and through the experiences that I share, I hope you'll recognize why it is difficult to extend grace and patience to learning and listening when there are always opportunities to act.

Three Easy Recipes That Use Sourdough Starter Discard
If you were fortunate to have the time at home and the flour on hand this spring, you may have tried baking sourdough bread. If you did, what did you do with the excess levain or starter? Instead of wasting it, especially when flour is scarce, I tried a bunch of recipes that use starter discard. Here are three of my favourite ways to use it - for both sweet and savoury treats.